• on Sunday, December 12, 2010


    Dari hasil investigasi dan pencarian informasi yang saya lakukan selama ini, maka didapat kesimpulan bahwa :

    1. Hutang kartu kredit dan KTA bersifat tidak mengikat para pemegangnya dan tidak ada Undang-undangnya, tidak diwariskan, tidak dapat dipindahtangankan (artinya tidak bisa ditagihkan kepada orang lain) ,tidak boleh menyita barang apapun dari anda,surat hutang tidak boleh diserahkan kepada pihak lain atau diperjualbelikan, dsb.

    2. Ada klausul yang disembunyikan oleh pihak penerbit kartu kredit bahwa jika pemegang kartu kredit sudah tidak mampu membayar maka hutang akan ditanggung penuh oleh pihak asuransi kartu kredit visa master. bahkan untuk beberapa bank asing tanggungan penuh asuransi itu mencapai limit 500 juta.

    Cara Install Squid di Windows 7

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  • Squid is a caching proxy server that can help reduce internet bandwidth usage and improving response time of loading a website by caching and re-using frequently opened web page. Squid reduce the bandwidth usage and accelerate the website loading by caching static website objects such as images, flash objects and text files, with some modification Squid can cache larger files such as PDF, MP3, executable, flash videos, etc.

    Last week ago my client ask me to install squid on his computers. First time I meet problem because I’m not  familiar with windows 7 (XP Still the best for me). The mostly problem I meet is I can’t install squid as 
    windows 7 service. Anyway I finally found the way to do this… Want to know? keep reading this tutorial…

    10 Tahun Lagi Tak Perlu ke Dokter Gigi

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  • Pada masa mendatang masalah klasik seputar kesehatan gigi, seperti karies ataupun gigi berlubang, mungkin hanya tinggal sejarah. Bahkan bukan mustahil, pasien yang datang ke dokter gigi akan jauh berkurang.
    Pasalnya, para ilmuwan kini telah berhasil mengidentifikasi sejenis enzim yang menyebabkan plak menempel pada gigi. Jika para ahli menemukan cara mencegah enzim tersebut, hampir dapat dipastikan masalah gigi berlubang tidak akan pernah muncul lagi.

    Adalah ilmuwan di Belanda yang berhasil mengidentifikasi sejenis enzim yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri di dalam mulut dan saluran pencernaan. Riset menunjukkan, enzim bakteri ini memanfaatkan gula untuk menghasilkan sejenis lem atau perekat. Lem inilah yang kemudian memicu plak penyebab karang dan lubang menempel pada gigi.

    Tidur Siang Cukup 5 Menit Saja!

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  • Siapa yang sering merasa ngantuk sesudah makan siang atau menjelang pukul 3 sore? Jangan-jangan, sebagian besar dari kita akan mengangkat tangan. Mengantuk di siang hari, menurut Hiromi Shinya, adalah hal yang wajar. Penyebabnya adalah enzim kita banyak digunakan saat bangun dan beraktivitas.

    Jika tubuh sudah memberi sinyal demikian, dengarkanlah. Jangan abaikan karena alasan apa pun. Jangan juga khawatir pekerjaan tertunda. Sebab, untuk memulihkan tenaga, kita cuma perlu waktu 5 menit.

    Masalah "Memalukan" Khas Pria

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  • Dewasa ini semakin banyak pria yang percaya bahwa penting bagi mereka untuk tampil muda dan menarik. Bersamaan dengan itu, semakin banyak pria yang menjadi tidak puas dengan penampilan mereka. Hal apa saja yang mengecewakan para pria?

    Bulu berlebihan
    Sebagian pria merasa bersyukur dengan adanya bulu di bagian dada yang membuatnya terlihat jantan. Namun, ada orang yang mempunyai bulu kelewat lebat pada dada, pundak, atau punggung sehingga mereka merasa tidak nyaman ketika hanya mengenakan celana renang. Beberapa pria juga kehilangan rasa percaya diri karena rumbut yang tumbuh di liang telinga atau hidung terlalu banyak.

    Akan tetapi, Anda tidak perlu menyelimuti tubuh Anda terus-menerus. Anda bisa merapikan bulu-bulu di telinga atau hidung dengan gunting. Untuk bulu di bagian tubuh, Anda bisa memilih perawatan profesional di salon-salon. Saat ini sudah banyak salon yang menerima pelanggan pria untuk prosedur pencabutan bulu (waxing).

    The Secrets To Picking The Best Mutual Fund

  • on Tuesday, April 27, 2010
  • Investing in the stock market is too dangerous and too risky for many people. The fact of the matter is, unless you've had fairly specific training and a lot of experience doing it, investing is very hard and since we're talking about people's lives and their retirements, you don't want to take any chances that you don't have to.

    But you have to invest in something, and so luckily we have mutual funds which allow people without the necessary investment skills to, nonetheless, invest for the future and for their retirements. But of course this begs the question, which mutual funds should you invest in?

    In this article today I want to discuss several secrets that I have for picking the best mutual funds. Anybody can take advantage of these secrets, you just need to know a few things that I will be discussing right now.

    First I should mention that there are usually two types of investors. The first type just wants to preserve their capital and increase it at slightly greater than the rate of inflation. The other kind of investor wants to make huge over sized returns. Both can find places in mutual funds to make them happy.

    My first secret is to identify the best performing no load mutual funds that follow your specific objectives, whether you are looking to preserve capital or shoot for the moon as I alluded to above. You can find this information at most financial websites with a little searching. One strategy would be simply to invest in several of the top performers and evaluate again in a year or two to see which ones have performed the best.

    My next secret is to analyze the performance of the mutual fund in great depth. Most people look at a mutual funds performance during the last couple of years but I prefer to go back several years or as far back as a decade or longer. Why is that? Because most mutual funds will do okay during a bull market when the stock market is up in general. But you want to look back into the past during recessions to see how well the mutual fund has performed then so that you have some sort of an idea how well they will perform during future financial downturns.

    My next secret is to look for consistency. Read the annual reports from every fund that you're looking to invest in for the past 5 to 10 years. Those reports will describe the overall strategy of the fund. Has the fund's strategy remained consistent over the long-term or have they changed from fad to fad over time, wildly chasing profits. You want a firm that engages in consistent strategies with a proven track record of profit steadily over time.

    Saving Money Tips - 4 Creative Ways To Save Money

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  • Looking for saving money tips? Here are 4 creative ways to save money. As you all are aware that the world is in the state of recession. Almost every country has fallen victim of this global economical crisis. This crisis has been the major cause of the downfall of the economy in many countries. The rate of unemployment is rising day by day. The only option which is available to the people is to save money as much as they can because no one knows what's coming in the future. In my article I will discuss 4 ways to save money.

    1. Update Your Self: If you want to make or save your money you should be updated and you must be aware about the current market situation. It is important because while you are saving you must also be aware of the opportunities which market is offering in this hard time.

    2. Budgeting: if you don't have a habit to measure your budget, then now it's your duty to maintain your budget on daily, weekly and on monthly basis .This will help you in getting rid of your unnecessary expenses. When deciding your monthly budget consider your debts. It is important to get rid of your debts a quickly as possible and try to remain debt free as much as you can.

    3. Eat less: from the last few years it has been noticed that people are spending lot of money on their eating habits. I am not saying you must not eat, but you have to cut down your excessive expenses in order to save money. Home made food must be considered by you and dining out must be avoided.

    4. Sources of Income: If you want to save and want to earn extra income then you have to work additionally. Doing additional work will enhance your income. The more you earn the more you will save. You can increase your income by doing over time, part time, online work and many others.

    Above mentioned were 4 saving money tips . I must suggest you to save your money as much as you can and if you have not yet started to save then start from today because it will secure your tomorrow.