• on Sunday, December 12, 2010


    Dari hasil investigasi dan pencarian informasi yang saya lakukan selama ini, maka didapat kesimpulan bahwa :

    1. Hutang kartu kredit dan KTA bersifat tidak mengikat para pemegangnya dan tidak ada Undang-undangnya, tidak diwariskan, tidak dapat dipindahtangankan (artinya tidak bisa ditagihkan kepada orang lain) ,tidak boleh menyita barang apapun dari anda,surat hutang tidak boleh diserahkan kepada pihak lain atau diperjualbelikan, dsb.

    2. Ada klausul yang disembunyikan oleh pihak penerbit kartu kredit bahwa jika pemegang kartu kredit sudah tidak mampu membayar maka hutang akan ditanggung penuh oleh pihak asuransi kartu kredit visa master. bahkan untuk beberapa bank asing tanggungan penuh asuransi itu mencapai limit 500 juta.

    Cara Install Squid di Windows 7

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  • Squid is a caching proxy server that can help reduce internet bandwidth usage and improving response time of loading a website by caching and re-using frequently opened web page. Squid reduce the bandwidth usage and accelerate the website loading by caching static website objects such as images, flash objects and text files, with some modification Squid can cache larger files such as PDF, MP3, executable, flash videos, etc.

    Last week ago my client ask me to install squid on his computers. First time I meet problem because I’m not  familiar with windows 7 (XP Still the best for me). The mostly problem I meet is I can’t install squid as 
    windows 7 service. Anyway I finally found the way to do this… Want to know? keep reading this tutorial…

    10 Tahun Lagi Tak Perlu ke Dokter Gigi

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  • Pada masa mendatang masalah klasik seputar kesehatan gigi, seperti karies ataupun gigi berlubang, mungkin hanya tinggal sejarah. Bahkan bukan mustahil, pasien yang datang ke dokter gigi akan jauh berkurang.
    Pasalnya, para ilmuwan kini telah berhasil mengidentifikasi sejenis enzim yang menyebabkan plak menempel pada gigi. Jika para ahli menemukan cara mencegah enzim tersebut, hampir dapat dipastikan masalah gigi berlubang tidak akan pernah muncul lagi.

    Adalah ilmuwan di Belanda yang berhasil mengidentifikasi sejenis enzim yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri di dalam mulut dan saluran pencernaan. Riset menunjukkan, enzim bakteri ini memanfaatkan gula untuk menghasilkan sejenis lem atau perekat. Lem inilah yang kemudian memicu plak penyebab karang dan lubang menempel pada gigi.

    Tidur Siang Cukup 5 Menit Saja!

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  • Siapa yang sering merasa ngantuk sesudah makan siang atau menjelang pukul 3 sore? Jangan-jangan, sebagian besar dari kita akan mengangkat tangan. Mengantuk di siang hari, menurut Hiromi Shinya, adalah hal yang wajar. Penyebabnya adalah enzim kita banyak digunakan saat bangun dan beraktivitas.

    Jika tubuh sudah memberi sinyal demikian, dengarkanlah. Jangan abaikan karena alasan apa pun. Jangan juga khawatir pekerjaan tertunda. Sebab, untuk memulihkan tenaga, kita cuma perlu waktu 5 menit.

    Masalah "Memalukan" Khas Pria

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  • Dewasa ini semakin banyak pria yang percaya bahwa penting bagi mereka untuk tampil muda dan menarik. Bersamaan dengan itu, semakin banyak pria yang menjadi tidak puas dengan penampilan mereka. Hal apa saja yang mengecewakan para pria?

    Bulu berlebihan
    Sebagian pria merasa bersyukur dengan adanya bulu di bagian dada yang membuatnya terlihat jantan. Namun, ada orang yang mempunyai bulu kelewat lebat pada dada, pundak, atau punggung sehingga mereka merasa tidak nyaman ketika hanya mengenakan celana renang. Beberapa pria juga kehilangan rasa percaya diri karena rumbut yang tumbuh di liang telinga atau hidung terlalu banyak.

    Akan tetapi, Anda tidak perlu menyelimuti tubuh Anda terus-menerus. Anda bisa merapikan bulu-bulu di telinga atau hidung dengan gunting. Untuk bulu di bagian tubuh, Anda bisa memilih perawatan profesional di salon-salon. Saat ini sudah banyak salon yang menerima pelanggan pria untuk prosedur pencabutan bulu (waxing).

    The Secrets To Picking The Best Mutual Fund

  • on Tuesday, April 27, 2010
  • Investing in the stock market is too dangerous and too risky for many people. The fact of the matter is, unless you've had fairly specific training and a lot of experience doing it, investing is very hard and since we're talking about people's lives and their retirements, you don't want to take any chances that you don't have to.

    But you have to invest in something, and so luckily we have mutual funds which allow people without the necessary investment skills to, nonetheless, invest for the future and for their retirements. But of course this begs the question, which mutual funds should you invest in?

    In this article today I want to discuss several secrets that I have for picking the best mutual funds. Anybody can take advantage of these secrets, you just need to know a few things that I will be discussing right now.

    First I should mention that there are usually two types of investors. The first type just wants to preserve their capital and increase it at slightly greater than the rate of inflation. The other kind of investor wants to make huge over sized returns. Both can find places in mutual funds to make them happy.

    My first secret is to identify the best performing no load mutual funds that follow your specific objectives, whether you are looking to preserve capital or shoot for the moon as I alluded to above. You can find this information at most financial websites with a little searching. One strategy would be simply to invest in several of the top performers and evaluate again in a year or two to see which ones have performed the best.

    My next secret is to analyze the performance of the mutual fund in great depth. Most people look at a mutual funds performance during the last couple of years but I prefer to go back several years or as far back as a decade or longer. Why is that? Because most mutual funds will do okay during a bull market when the stock market is up in general. But you want to look back into the past during recessions to see how well the mutual fund has performed then so that you have some sort of an idea how well they will perform during future financial downturns.

    My next secret is to look for consistency. Read the annual reports from every fund that you're looking to invest in for the past 5 to 10 years. Those reports will describe the overall strategy of the fund. Has the fund's strategy remained consistent over the long-term or have they changed from fad to fad over time, wildly chasing profits. You want a firm that engages in consistent strategies with a proven track record of profit steadily over time.

    Saving Money Tips - 4 Creative Ways To Save Money

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  • Looking for saving money tips? Here are 4 creative ways to save money. As you all are aware that the world is in the state of recession. Almost every country has fallen victim of this global economical crisis. This crisis has been the major cause of the downfall of the economy in many countries. The rate of unemployment is rising day by day. The only option which is available to the people is to save money as much as they can because no one knows what's coming in the future. In my article I will discuss 4 ways to save money.

    1. Update Your Self: If you want to make or save your money you should be updated and you must be aware about the current market situation. It is important because while you are saving you must also be aware of the opportunities which market is offering in this hard time.

    2. Budgeting: if you don't have a habit to measure your budget, then now it's your duty to maintain your budget on daily, weekly and on monthly basis .This will help you in getting rid of your unnecessary expenses. When deciding your monthly budget consider your debts. It is important to get rid of your debts a quickly as possible and try to remain debt free as much as you can.

    3. Eat less: from the last few years it has been noticed that people are spending lot of money on their eating habits. I am not saying you must not eat, but you have to cut down your excessive expenses in order to save money. Home made food must be considered by you and dining out must be avoided.

    4. Sources of Income: If you want to save and want to earn extra income then you have to work additionally. Doing additional work will enhance your income. The more you earn the more you will save. You can increase your income by doing over time, part time, online work and many others.

    Above mentioned were 4 saving money tips . I must suggest you to save your money as much as you can and if you have not yet started to save then start from today because it will secure your tomorrow.


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    Saya baru saja menerima informasi tentang Program Gratisan Baru.
    Hal ini tampaknya nyata, Anda benar-benar akan mendapatkan $ 200 dan tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang sesenpun untuk mendapatkan $ 200 itu ! Hanya waktu yang akan mengatakan bahwa ini benar-benar “REAL“.
    Saya telah menerima $ 200 yang mereka janjikan 24 jam setelah melakukan registrasi dan langsung saya investasikan ke dalam sistem segera, sesuai dengan permintaan mereka. Ini adalah program berbasis di Jerman dan $ 200 yang anda terima merupakan bagian dari account Forex yang mereka dikelola, sehingga akan menghasilkan keuntungan bagi anda.

    Ketika nilai investasi anda mencapai $ 1500, Anda harus memasukkannya ke dalam account Forex yang anda kelola sendiri – mereka masih membantu mengelolanya untuk Anda, tetapi mereka mengambil 25% dari keuntungan Anda dan Anda mendapatkan 75% dari keuntungan.

    Mengapa mereka harus memberi $ 200 gratis untuk Anda ?

    Yah itu mereka jelaskan di FAQ dalam situsnya. Ini sebagian isinya : ” The first thing is that the investor earns more money if he split the money to a lot of persons. Instead of earning the full amount of the winnings and just the possiblity of investing a small amount of money, its better to invest a lot more money and earn just 25% comissions of the winnings. The reasons why the investor needs you and why he will have problems if he will invest it all by himself :

    Brokers are playing games. They normally donВґt want you to win on the forex market. If you win to much they will find a way to steal you the money.

    90% of all traders are loosing all their money, so the brokers are allways speculating on that 90%, they dont put your orders in the market and if you loose, they keep all your money for them, instead of only the spread. If you are winning and the Broker is not routing the money thru the market, the broker will loose and he will stop you to make money somehow. This was a big problem for many people who invested bigger amounts in the market. The only solution is to split the money to many many clients and get a commission of 25% of the winnings. Rather get 25% of the winnings with 20 millions invest instead of having just a few millions and get 100% of winnings, thats a simple formular.”
    Jika situs muncul dalam bahasa Jerman, klik saja Bendera AS / Inggris
    untuk melihat versi bahasa Inggris.

    $ 200 akan ditambahkan ke account Anda oleh admin dalam 24 jam. Begitu uang berada dalam account Anda klik ” Make Deposit “ di sebelah kiri dan pilih Plan ” Freeforex “. Depositkan semua $ 200 dari account Anda.
    Anda juga harus mendepositkan semua komisi referral Anda setelah Anda mendapat referral, sehingga nilai $1500 dapat segera tercapai.
    Anda akan mendapatkan email setiap kali Anda menerima komisi referral( $ 20 tingkat pertama dan $ 10 level lainnya ) Pastikan untuk deposit 200 $ Anda segera setelah Anda menerimanya atau Anda akan kehilangan itu setelah 24 jam.


    Silahkan kunjungi websitenya disini atau klik

    ===> www.forex4free.org/?ref=putradph


    GRATIS $50 hanya dengan MEMBACA ARTICLE dan Melakukan Rating, MAU ??

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  • GRATIS $50 hanya dengan MEMBACA ARTICLE dan Melakukan Rating, MAU ??

    “Read and Rate interesting article to EARN MONEY”. Itulah inti cara dapat uangnya. Jadi anda anda membaca ratusan article yang disediakan, kemudian VOTE !!

    Nilai satu article rata-rata $0,06, jadi jika anda minimal membaca dan memVote 50 article saja ( total waktu untuk melakukannya sekitar 20 menit ) = $3 / Hari.

    Bayangkan jika 1 bulan, maka = $3*30 = $ 90 setara dengan Rp. 900 ribu. Lumayan kan !!

    Gabung gratis dapat bonus, refer temen dan vote artikel, payout cuma $50 melalui paypal, daftar disini :

    ===> JOIN dan GRATIS $50 dengan MEMBACA & VOTE ARTICLE !!

    Ps : Jangan Lupa buat PAYPAL untuk pembayarannya. Untuk buat klik URL dibawah ini : ===> Buat account PAYPAL, MUDAH & GRATIS


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  • Rekan Netter, saya perkenalkan bisnis gampang cara mencari dollar lewat internet yaitu : AW Survey..! Bisnis ini sangat mudah dijalankan kita hanya disuruh mengisi Survey lantas langsung dibayar dng dollar, dan yang lebih hebat lagi kita dibayar 1,25 US dollar setiap 1 (satu) orang Refferal..!

    Hanya dengan memberikan Komentar dan mengisi survey di website AW Survey kita langsung dibayar dengan dollar, dan apabila anda joint jadi member langsung mendapat bonus 6 Dollar. Selanjutnya anda langsung disuruh mengisi survey dgn bahasa inggris selama 15 menit maka dollar anda langsung bertambah seketika menjadi total 27 Dollar…! lalu lakukan promosi kepada semua orang. Apabila ada 1 (satu) orang yang bergabung dibawah anda maka anda akan dibayar 1,25 dollar..! gampang sekali bukan..?? ingat sekarang kurs 1 US Dollar masih dilevel 9 ribuan Rupiah..!
    Ayo buruan gabung mumpung gratis…! jangan anda lewatkan kesempatan emas ini..! Untuk gabung silahkan klik website :


    Cara Bekerja / mengisi Survey di AW Survey :

    1. Setelah anda Joint di AW Survey, anda langsung disuruh mengisi Survey tentang Website yang dipromosikan oleh AW Survey. Tentu saja dengan bahasa inggris. Biasanya ada 5 Survey yang harus anda isi. Setiap 1 (satu) survey berisi 2 (dua) link web site yang harus kita nilai.

    2. Klik Link Pertama, lalu muncul website di windows baru anda biarkan saja sampai selesai lalu kita lihat dan kita nilai web site tersebut. Materi yang dinilai oleh anda adalah : tentang tampilan web site tsb, menarik atau tidak, perwarnaannya bagus atau tidak, bisnis yang ditawarkan bagus atau tidak. Ingat anda harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris, bila anda kesulitan masalah bahasa gunakan saja Google translate, cara kerjanya lihat point 3 dibawah. Contoh hasil penilaian saya : “Web site ini tampilannya cukup menarik dengan kombinasi pewarnaan yang tepat dan terlihat lembut dimata. Bisnis yang ditawarkan cukup bagus dan menarik minat”. Anda ketik di google translate lalu copy paste ke kolom AW survey. Begitulah selanjutnya semua survey yang anda isi satu persatu. Semua penilaian kita gunakan saja bantuan google translate dan hasilnya copy paste ke kolom isian di AW Survey. Selesai… !

    3. Cara mengunakan bantuan penterjemah bahasa google translate : “ketik kalimat yang akan kita translate di dalam Kolom. Lalu kita pilih bahasa Asal (Indonesia) selanjutnya pilih bahasa yang ingin kita ketahui terjemahnya (Inggris). Lalu Klik Tranlate. Selanjutnya tunggu sebentar, di lajur kanan sebelah kolom akan tampil hasil Translate. Kita Blok lalu kita Copy ke Kolom isian AW Survey Klik Paste. Praktis bukan..

    4. Apabila anda telah menyelesaikan semua isian Survey maka anda langsung dibayar 27 $.

    5. Selanjutnya Promosikan Bisnis AW Survey Ini : “untuk menambah Dollar agar bisa di Reedem (transfer ke Bank Lokal) anda harus mempromosikan URL anda atau Banner anda. Untuk mendapatkan URL/banner Klik Menu dibawah (refer friends and earn 1.25 per friends). Anda copy alamat Url / banner milik anda tersebut ke Web site anda / blog anda. Bila tidak punya blog bisa anda copy paste ke media iklan apa saja atau di email anda.

    6. Selamat bekerja dan berburu Dollar bersama Bisnis AW Survey.

    Tapi jangan lupa anda harus punya Pay pal untuk pembayaran bonus anda, bagi yang belum punya silahkan buat dulu account pay pal, Klik URL dibawah ini :

    ===> Buat account PAYPAL, MUDAH & GRATIS

    Salam Sukses !!


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  • JOIN KLIK ===> http://www.klikot.com/en/SignUp.aspx?advertiser_id=567261

    KLIKOT Generasi baru jejaring sosial yang siap exsis di dunia maya dan siap bersaing dengan social networking lainnya (seperti; FB, Yuwie, Twitter, Tagged, ataupun Friendster, dll). Sekedar informasi
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    Banyak kelebihan dari KLIKOT, antara lain setiap temen yang kita ajak melalui link URL kita, terus temen yg melihat profil kita, melihat album foto kita, artikel yang kita tulis maka kita akan mendapat dollar
    sebagai imbalan karena ikut mempromosikan jejaring sosial KLIKOT yang baru ini. demikian kurang lebihnya untuk lebih detailnya silahkan anda buka KLIKOT saya.

    Mari bergabung bersama kami… LINK:


    Setelah gabung JANGAN LUPA BUKA EMAIL, untuk konfirmasi email dari KLIKOT.


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  • Mungkin anda sudah banyak mengunjungi situs atau blog yang menjajikan kepada anda bahwa anda akan mendapatkan ribuan dollar dari internet,tapi nyatanya sampai sekarang anda belum pernah dapat apa apa???? Lalu anda bertanya benar gak sich internet bisa menghasilkan dollar????? Kalo memang benar lalu kenapa saya kok gak pernah dapat dollar???????????? Jawabanya cuma satu. Anda kurang fokus atau bahkan anda tidak fokus. Karena terlalu banyak program yang anda ikuti jadinya anda tidak bisa fokus ke pada program -program yang anda ikuti tersebut jadi hasilnya pun juga gak memuaskan. Oleh karena itu jika anda masih ingin dapat dollar dari internet coba fokuslah ke salah satu program saja dulu. Anda tekuni selama sebulan lalu anda evaluasi bagaimana hasilnya.

    Ini ada satu program yang bisa anda jalankan, ini program sangat mudah sekali dijalankan, bahkan tidak mengganggu pekerjaan anda, tidak perlu promosi atau cari downline, tidak perlu punya website atau blog, Bahkan sambil anda melakukan kerjaan kantor anda anda bisa dapat dollar dari sini. Program ini punya bekerja sama dengan YAHOO jadi pasti membayar anda. Jika anda fokus saya yakin anda pasti berhasil, bahkan saya jamin 5 menit pertama anda gabung dengan program ini anda sudah dapat dollar. DIJAMIN. Tugas anda hanya fokus pada program ini saja,anda akan melihat hasilnya. Dapatkan dollar di 5 menit pertama anda. Oke akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara begabung dan mendapatkan dollar dari program ini, yang penting GRATIS.

    Anda akan dibayar jika anda memiliki account PAYPAL, Jika anda tidak memiliki account paypal bisa anda klik link dibawah ini untuk mendaftar, GRATIS.

    ==> Buat account PAYPAL, MUDAH & GRATIS

    Berikut adalah langkah-langkah buat account di PAYPAL (gratis) :
    1. Klik BANNER DIATAS untuk memulai
    2. Pilih Sign Up, kemudian pilih Negara (Indonesia)
    3. Pilih jenis account, disini disediakan pilihan

    - Personal Account: Ada batasan transaksi, transaksi tidak dikenakan biaya hampir sama seperti AlertPay.
    - Premier Account : Tidak ada batasan transaksi, setiap transaksi dikenakan biaya.
    - Business Account : Jika Anda seorang merchant atau pemilik usaha online pilih Premier.
    4. Pilih bahasa: U.S. English, klik Continue kemudian isi data-data tersebut dengan benar
    - First Name : Nama pertama kamu
    - Last Name : Nama akhir kamu
    - Address Line 1 : Alamat kamu
    - Address Line 2 : Boleh dikosongkan
    - City : Kota tempat tinggalmu
    - State/Province/Region : Propinsi
    - Postal Code : Kode Pos
    - Country : Indonesia (sudah tertulis)
    - Country of Citizenship : Indonesia (sudah tertulis)
    - Primary Currency : U.S. Dollars
    - Home Telephone : Telp rumah, missal 021456789 maka buatlah 6221456789
    - Work Telephone : Boleh dikosongkan
    - Mobile Telephone : Boleh dikosongkan
    - Email Address : Masukkin email kamu
    - Re-enter Email Address : Ulangi email kamu seperti di atas tadi
    - Password : Password perpaduan huruf dan angka minimal 8 karakter/digit misal akuganteng09
    - Retype Password : Ulangi passwordmu seperti diatas
    - Security Question 1 : Pilih pertanyaan yg kamu suka
    Answer 1 : Jawabannya
    - Security Question 2 : Pilihlah pertanyaan yg kamu suka
    Answer 2 : Jawabannya

    - Pada pernyataan ini : Do you agree to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, and terms incorporated there in? pilihlah Yes.
    - Masukkan kode sesuai yg tertera lalu klik Sign Up. Setelah itu muncul halaman untuk pengisian kartu kredit atau kartu debit. Ini gunanya untuk verified. Verified berguna untuk mencairkan uang. Untuk kartu kredit yg bisa yaitu keluaran Visa, Mastercard, Discover dan American Express.


    1. Pertama-tama DAFTAR PROGRAM INI DENGAN KLIK link di bawah ini



    Anda dibayar hanya dengan BROWSING online saja $0.01/menit, Jadi kalo satu jam anda dapat $0.6.

    Sehari anda bisa online 10 jam maka anda dapat $6. Kalo sebulan berarti anda dapat $180.

    LUMAYAN :-)

    2. Setelah halaman interadmedia tersebut muncul maka , kamu klik yang di sebelah kanan atas yang bertuliskan”join and startbrowsing”

    3. Kemudian isi form pendaftaran (isi dengan benar)

    4. Lihat email kamu, untuk aktivasi account kamu di interadmedia.

    5. Kemudian klik yang di email kamu, untuk membuka aktivasi account kamu.

    6. Email kamu jangan di hapus yang dari interadmedia karena untuk login lagi.

    7. Setelah klik yang di e-mail tadi dan keluar jendela baru yang membuka halaman interad media, maka kamu masukan alamat email kamu dan password kamu.

    8. Setelah masuk di halaman member maka kamu bisa browsing sekarang.

    9. Klik “Get Paid To Browsing” atau “start” lalu klik “star browsing”

    10. Kamu klik tadi maka halaman peraturan untuk mulai browsing pun muncul. Kamu klik di contreng/centang yang di bawahnya yang ada di halaman tadi. yang ada tulisan “I Agree…..” kemudian klik yang di bawahnya untuk “star browsing”

    11. Maka halaman browsing akan muncul secara otomatis. Dihalaman browsing itu ada sebuah penghitung waktunya disebelah kanan atas . Secara otomatis itu akan berjalan dari 0 sampai 5 menit. Setelah 5 menit maka halaman itu secara otomatis akan tertutup dan kembali di halaman member area. Maka kamu bisa lakukan cara yang tadi untuk memulai browsing lagi. Setelah 5 menit kemudian akan tertutup lagi, dan maka kamu start lagi, begitu seterusnya.
    Browsing sebanyak- banyaknya Hingga kamu mendapatkan dollar untuk bisa tarik dollarnya. Tarik dollarnya di “Withdraw Fund” dan dikirim ke alamat paypal kamu yang sudah kamu isikan di awal pendaftaran tadi. Kalau belum kamu masukkan alamat paypal kamu maka kamu bisa setting di” member ships detail ” trunt detas klik “edit account”. Salam sukses untuk anda.

    Jika kamu tidak ingin halaman browsing itu tertutup maka setelah waktu 5 menit penghitung berjalan pointer mouse kamu arahkan ke pada jendela browsing kamu (itu lho tempat nulis alamat web kalo kamu mau surfing) terus klik setelah itu enter nah setelah itu kamu tinggal kemanapun tidak akan tertutup lagi, Bahkan kamu tutup pun asal komputer kamu tetap konek ke internet dollar kamu tetep mengalir. Ini bisa kamu jalankan di warnet lho.

    Learn The Proper Method To Make Money Working Online Through Internet Marketing Membership

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  • Have you ever heard about people make money working online, there are a thousand of them that make fast money online legally. Some of them are not just earning a handful amount of money but earning an incredible amount that entice a lots of individual to start make money online opportunity. But the sad truth about make money online opportunity are majority of peole that has decided to work with this kind of career fail, as a matter of fact only 5% of people that venture with online business has survive and makes money working with it.

    While the data shows that the possibility to create a lucrative internet business is statistically frustrating but it is not true that that the success with this kind of business is unreachable as rhere is still a handful of people who make money online and work from home. I would rather fail by giving a shot with this business than failing for not achievcing my financial dreams with out trying for reaching it so.

    As i have noticed, there are several reason why the probabilities of success for this business too low. Firstly, because it is a home based business people tends to be lazy, working without exerting to much effort. My advice is To treat this business just like a real business by working 8 hours a day. Secondly, people are so confused about the system of this business, people think that to be successful with this business needs to learn about some internet complicated technical procedure, the truth is there some basic skill that we should be learn to work effectively but it is not as complicated as we are thinking and those skill are learnable through constant studies and practice.

    The good news, there is a internet membership online that offers guidelines and tutorial on how to make money working online effectively. The system that the creator himself uses and make money from home and earn thousand dollar daily during his 9th months working online. What makes his system the best among the rest is the approach he use for explaining his lesson. He explain his lesson in a slow mild manner to make sure that his student can catch up and easily understand the lesson he teaches. To tell you with honesty and proudly, I' am one of his satisfied student for almost 2 months now. And through his teaching and inspiration, i' am so sure to make money working online is a reality.

    Trading Of Advanced World Of Warcraft Account For Money

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  • People generally tend to believe that the world of warcraft account is only a computer game like any other that is available in the market. However, they fail to notice that a world of war craft account game offers much more in-depth experience than any other game online. In September 2001, it was Blizzard Entertainment that introduced the game.

    Over the years it has gained popularity among online gamers. You will be surprised to note that although world of war craft account is not the first online MMORPG game, it has changed the whole experience of online gaming. In order to play wow account you need to first have an account. Having an account lets you produce your character and start entering in to WOW. Your reaction to the online WOW atmosphere is dependent upon your character that you are holding. Due to the various incidents experience in wow accounts has become very enjoyable. When you buy a WOW account character, you build it up slowly and steadily, at times spending hours, days or even months at one time building up that one character that they have secured online. Once, they have built up the wow account character, it has now learnt new expertise and has accumulated new armory and obtained a new mount for itself.

    All these powers have been stored in your wow account and you have to produce your wow account at the commencement of each game. WOW'S Websites has simplified this methodology and it does not cost a cent to build up your character. It has been found in general practice that once some players have played the game for some time, and accumulated armory, weapons or mounts for their wow account characters, they get bored of their characters and want to surrender them online or stop playing the game. Now however, world of war craft has introduced a new scheme in which you can trade your wow account at a higher level with another wow account at a lower level. And for the difference in the two levels of lifts, one can earn money for it.

    This feature of world of war craft accounts has made it so popular that people have made this their online profession. Some people have even changed their full time professions from doctor, physiotherapist, etc. and took up the profession of online gaming. And believe me one can earn real money in this game. You may well ask how this is possible. To this I would say that for the difference in the values of the two characters that you trade, you will earn real money that you can spend in the real world, to pay your taxes, etc.

    Playing with world of war craft accounts, offers 100% guarantee of a secure online experience. What more can one ask for? Apart from boredom from their online characters, players tend to be able to devote less and less time for online gaming due to their own professions. The modus operandi of the game is pretty simple. You just have to purchase a wow account character from the plethora of options available to us. Once this character is chosen, then his or her accessories are to earn some money and come back champions online accounts.

    How To Invest In Real Estate For The Income Oriented Investor

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  • One thing that I like about investing in the stock market are dividends. Of course in order to get those dividends you have to worry through the massively nauseating swings up and down that the stock market is famous for that can wipe out your portfolio before you know it. I like the income that dividends produce, but I don't like the risk involved in earning it.

    If you're like me then you may be looking for alternative investment opportunities that are not dependent on the stock market but are still geared towards someone looking for income. Fortunately real estate investing may be just the thing for you.

    Luckily, these days, real estate investing doesn't necessarily mean owning a bunch of small rental units and worrying about fixing broken toilets on the weekends. In fact there are many forms of real estate investing that are better suited to producing income and I'm going to talk about them in this article today.

    One form of real estate investing is something that is called a participating mortgage loan. These funds hand their investors capital to other real estate investors, which is quite interesting. In return those investors pay a fixed rate of interest plus a share of any future increase in their cash flow from the properties that they own as well as any appreciation in the underlying property.

    This is possible because of the type of mortgage that you create which spells out that the investor will pay a basic interest rate as well as increases in future cash flow of the underlying property

    While the interest that you will earn on these deals is a nice bit of income, what you should be especially interested in is the possibility for future increases in cash flow from the appreciation of the underlying properties themselves. That's where some of the real money comes into play and that's what makes these types of investments especially attractive and exciting.

    What happens is that properties are leased out. Over time those leases expire and when they do new tenants are usually found who sign new leases. The trick is, over time those leases will call for more and more rent as I'm sure you have seen yourself if you've ever rented anything in your life. Whenever your lease expires and you have to re-sign your rent always goes up. It is this increase in rent that can transfer over to you the mortgage owner in these particular deals.

    Of course it's not all a bed of roses, you still have to be careful with who you select to loan money to. Never invest in a participating mortgage loan given to somebody who doesn't have a solid track record of property management under their belts.

    But just like any other investment you have to do your homework and if you do your homework correctly then these investment vehicles can be a fantastic way to take advantage of income producing steady real estate gains without the hassle of managing the property yourself; because who really wants to get woken up at 3:30 in the morning because your tenet's toilet exploded?! Not me and now, not you!

    Create A Compelling Article Resource Box - Your Selling Depend On It !

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  • How tiring it is to research for subject matter for a prolonged period of time. After you do the hard part and submit the article to popular article directories; what if you don't get enough clicks to your web site? After all the purpose of writing articles is to promote your product or service through your web site or blog.

    Clicks to your web site or blog depend on two things. First is the content of your article, which should be unique, original and should offer reasonable advice to the reader and shouldn't be a mere sales letter. The most important is the resource box. If you get this wrong you have wasted all your time writing and submitting the article in the first place; unless, of course, you only need people to read your article and don't need them to click through to your web site.
    A compelling article resource box is your opportunity to convert the reader in to a customer for what ever product or service you are selling. Even though the resource box is also called an Author Bio; it is not for you to keep on talking about yourself and your expertise all the time and making your reader go away without clicking through to your product or service. In fact if you have not shown that you are an expert in your article body; by the time you come to the resource box; it will be too late to show your expertise to the reader.

    The resource box is yours to make an official call to action to the reader. But you do not need to be blunt in doing so; you could invite the reader to click through to your web site via the resource box.

    It can be done by listing the benefits of your product or service. Don't try to lay down all your qualifications and so forth, because the reader will not care. They are interested in how your product or service is going to benefit them and how it will solve their problem. So be sure to use your resource box to list what is for the customer in it than trying to give all your qualifications and features of your product or service. This is the most compelling resource box that would get an influx of traffic to your web site.

    Learning The Basics Of Debt Negotiation

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  • Debt negotiation is also known as debt settlement. It is one financial solution which enables the debtors to reduce their total outstanding balances after getting the approval from the creditors.

    Let's take a look at the main elements in the negotiation process:

    • Before you start bargaining with your lenders, you are required to analyze your current financial abilities. Find out how much you can afford to offer to your creditors to settle your debt one time off.

    • It is important to sharpen your communication skills before bargaining with the creditors. You need to make sure that the messages you want to convey to your creditors are clear and precise. At the same time, you are reminded to be consistent in making your offer.

    • Having debt is stressful. You need to change your mindset in order to become more positive so that you can handle the tele-conversation with your creditors with great patience and good mood. You need to be prepared that you can't complete the negotiation process in a few minutes. It may take months and even years to complete.
    • Once you have decided to go for settlement, you need to accept the truth of getting bad credit. In order to convince the creditors to approve your settlement proposal, you need to show that you have past due for at least 3 months. The missed payments will definitely affect your credit. If you still make your minimum payment on time, your creditors will reject your request to reduce the total debt. Hence, you need to decide whether you are willing to have negative item on your credit report. If you do not want it at all, debt negotiation is not your choice.

    To sum up, reducing the debt is not as easy as you expect. You need to have good understanding about how it works before starting the negotiation.

    Less Time For The Best Rate

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  • If you are the owner of a car you have no choice, you have to have insurance coverage. There is no other way of around this; in fact it is a legal requirement for all automobile owners. In that case you will need to know what the government stipulated minimum requirement for insurance is so as to know what the base is for your insurance. Once you have got the relevant information, you then search for the insurance company that can offer you the lowest quote to meet your legal requirement.

    How did you find your insurance company? Most people do not know that it will take less time, approximately less than 10 minutes, to get a relatively and very competitive deal. The insurance sector is very competitive therefore every company needs to offer the best deal. These industry players make exceptional profits. How do they make these profits? In part their trick here is that the insurance company increases your rates as time elapses. It is now your job to frequently check on the best rates, compare them and learn which the best company for you is.

    How can you get all the quotes from your local insurance company and even the international ones? The answer lies in the technology today. With the Internet, the many websites, and the speed of technology there's no more agent phone calls and no more hustle. What is needed is your information. Just type it and get to know the best rates for you from various companies to be able to finally make sure that it is the lowest one.

    Finding Very Cheap Car Insurance For Your Mitsubishi

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  • When you are looking for car insurance, the cheaper the better. If you want Mitsubishi insurance, for example, you want to be sure that you get very cheap car insurance that you can afford. As a Mitsubishi is an affordable car, it stands to reason that you will not want to pay a lot for the car insurance to have your car covered. When you are looking to save money on your car insurance, it makes sense to go online and get quotes. This is the best way to buy Mitsubishi car insurance or any other type of car insurance for that matter.

    Very cheap car insurance usually entails only liability coverage. You can save quite a bit of money on your car insurance if you only get liability car insurance instead of full coverage. If your car is an older model car, it probably makes more sense to only cover it in case of an accident in which you are at fault so that you have liability coverage rather than collision coverage as your deductible may be more than the car is worth. You can get very cheap car insurance when you look for liability only coverage when you are purchasing Mitsubishi insurance.

    You can also raise your deductible when you are looking for Mitsubishi insurance. When you want to get very cheap car insurance, the higher your deductible, which is the amount that you have to pay out of your own pocket for any loss before the insurance company kicks in, the cheaper your car insurance rate is going to be. This is one way to get a lower premium on your car insurance.

    How much coverage do you need? If you need state mandatory coverage only and do not have a lot of assets, then you may just want to go with what the state says you have to carry when it comes to liability coverage for your Mitsubishi insurance. The lower the coverage amount, the cheaper the insurance rate. When you are looking for very cheap car insurance, it pays to get the amount of coverage that will keep you legally safe when it comes to driving, but not over insure yourself. Most insurance agents will promote higher insurance coverage in case of an accident in which you are sued. However, if you have little or no assets, in which case you are pretty much betting on getting into an accident in which you are liable and someone is seriously injured.
    Most insurance cases are settled out of court for the amount of the insurance coverage.

    Attorneys who pursue these cases do so for a portion of the damages awarded and are not likely to go after someone who has no assets. If you have little assets and want very cheap car insurance, you can go with state minimum coverage for your Mitsubishi insurance.

    You can find the very best quotes on very cheap car insurance when you are looking for Mitsubishi insurance by going online and getting a quote by providing them with basic information that is secure and will afford you the best car insurance for your money.

    Is It Possible To Find Very Bad Credit Car Loans ?

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  • Nowadays it is not unusual for many people to struggle with bad credit. Everywhere we look we see more and more doom and gloom that makes you think that there may be no way out of your bad credit situation. Then on top of all of that your ride just up and dies and you are left looking for a new car and don't know where you will find the money. If this sounds familiar you are not alone. Many people find themselves struggling to find a car loan that fits in with their bad credit rating.

    The good news is there are places that you can find very bad credit car loans much easier than you may think. The problem that most people run into is that they only look in the traditional places for their car loans and with the current lending situation you are almost guaranteed not to be able to secure financing from there.

    The other major mistake that car buyers with bad credit make when they attempt to find credit is using the buy here pay here dealers. Even though you are almost guaranteed to get financed in these places you are serving yourself up for a beating. These places are known for charging double for the car they sell you and then charging you an interest rate that you possibly could beat with your local loan shark. This should be a last resort if you are in the market for a used vehicle.

    The next option which in theory is the best but the most unrealistic is just to pay cash for a car. This no doubt is your best option, but then again you wouldn't be reading this if you had the cash to go out and buy what you want!

    Now to the good part, there is an option for you if you have tried and failed to find very bad credit car loans. I have found a service that will match you with lenders that are dying to lend money to even the worst credit histories out there. Although I cannot guarantee that you will receive the loan that you want, I can tell you with this service you will stand as good of a chance as you ever have to get the money that you need to put you in the ride that you have been drooling over.

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